Due to variability in manufacturing (which overclockers sometimes call the “silicon lottery”), each processor has a unique performance profile, meaning that some processors can be overclocked to faster speeds than others that share the same model number. Intel® Performance Maximizer automatically tests your processor to determine the capabilities of its individual cores (the CPU’s “performance DNA”). The tool launches straight from Windows, rather than the BIOS, and handles all the testing and tuning for you.
Intel® Performance Maximizer makes things easy. Overclocking traditionally involves manually adjusting settings in the BIOS, then rebooting and running stress tests to check system stability. Overclocking boosts your processor’s clock speed (the number of CPU cycles performed every second), allowing it to process instructions from programs at higher speeds. Intel® Performance Maximizer is an Intel® CPU optimizer that automatically overclocks your CPU. It currently works with the latest processors with a “K”, “KF”, or “KS” designation (such as the latest Intel® Core™ i9 processor), and will continue to be supported by future CPU releases. Wise Memory Optimizer Free Downloadĭownload Wise Memory Optimizer 4 Free, Latest Full Offline Version, Direct Download Link, Full Offline Tuning by Clicking Below Button.Intel® Performance Maximizer is an easy way to speed up your CPU. Free hard disk space: 400 MB free hard disk space.Operating system: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.System Requirements for Wise Memory Optimizer Software File Name: WMOSetup_4.1.8.121.rar.Software name: Wise Memory Optimizer for Windows.Perfect compatibility with almost all versions of Windows.Automatic tuning and optimization of RAM.Free up and customize memory occupied by useless apps.This intuitive user interface makes it really easy to use for novices and experts alike. Click the “Optimize now” button and the program will free up memory in a few seconds.
You can know your PC’s memory usage at a glance. Wise Memory Optimizer automatically calculates and displays your computer’s used, available, and total memory when deployed, along with a pie chart.